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Sunday 27 October 2019

Review on shopee 10.10 (baking utensils)

Sunday, October 27, 2019 1 Comments

Finally 19hb baru dapat springform yang sis order. Nak dapat pun susah sebab orang yang delivery tu tak tahu sangat area rumah sis, dan sis pun noob nak bagi direction. I feel sorry for him seriously. 

Review ni sis tulis dari post ni: Read 10.10 shopee Haul.

Parcel nombor 1

Okay berbalik kepada ceritanya, boleh tahanlah springform ni, sis dapat dalam keadaan yang elok, dibalut dengan bubble wrap dan ada kotak sekali. Okay lah takde yang kemek. Sesuai dengan harganya. 

ada bubble wrap

Pro's beli dekat (via shopee) ni: 

- Ada bubble wrap 

- Ramai yang beli dekat kedai ni, 208 sold.

- Ada kotak

- Murah

- Tak kemek.

Sikit calar di loyang tsk tsk.


- Delivery lambat macam siput.

- Ada calar sikit.

- Agak ketat nak bukak kotaknya. 

- Kualiti macam so-so, saranan saya better beli dekat supermarket. 

Saiz: diameter: 18 cm, tinggi: 6.5 cm.

Sis ada test buat kek coklat guna springform ni, tapi salah sis sebab resepi ni untuk oven tapi sis pergi kukus, so tak berapa best. Oven dah lama rosak. Lagipun springform untuk buat cheesecake hahaha

Read my other post : Review on Syahirah Moisturizer

nak bukak pun ketat omg

Rating: ✰✰✰

Parcel nombor 2

Untuk parcel nombor 2 patutnya dapat 21hb tapi shopeexpress tak call pun pffft. Dia tulis customer not on location. duh pastu call customer service asyik busy je, habis credit phone sis. 

So in the end sis mesej shopee (live) dekat apps. Customer service kata pihak mereka akan membuat delivery kali kedua. Nasib baik yang delivery tu pos laju. Sebab diorang dah tahu rumah sis dekat mana.

Alhamdulillah barang yang ni sis memang puas hati, semua lengkap takde yang kurang. Baking mat pun okay, sis dah try buat pasta haha. memang best. cuma bawah dia melekat dan memerangkap habuk. 

Barang tak dibalut dengan bubble wrap tapi still okay. Nama kedai

no bubble wrap sbb ada mat

4 barang semua ada.

piping bag okay.

Rating:  ✰✰✰✰✰

Tuesday 22 October 2019

My story; Hospital PPUM

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 0 Comments

21 oct 19; Isnin. Harini teman nenek ke hospital ppum (Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya). Since harini sis takde schedule, sis dengan mak cik sis lah yang kena uruskan nenek i. Nenek i sihat je cuma nak tahu keputusan darah dia dengan amik ubat sekali.

Sampai je kat menara selatan, (if im not mistaken nama tempatnya) kena amikkan kerusi roda untuk nenek, sebab nenek sis dah tak larat nak jalan. Pastu kiteorang nak pergi ke Ruka (Primary care clinic) tak tahu jalan nasib baik ada pekerja ppum baik hati untuk bagitau kitorang. Dekat ppum tengah ada renovation so memang kalau datang sorang boleh sesat jawabnye.

Disebabkan banyak yang nak dibuat renovation, tempat yang luas jadi sempit so memang kena alert lah tempat yang kita nak pergi tu. Kalau tempat yang nak ambil darah tu sis ingatlah, sebab haritu baru je pergi. Siap beli egg tart dekat kedai bakery huhu.

kalau lalu sini boleh pergi ke Ruka

Kiteorg lalu satu jalan ni untuk pergi ruka pastu lintas jalan, dekat atas tu dia tulis pintu block c. kat situ pulak amik nombor untuk appointment dengan doctor. Memang semua nombor 5 kot, bila dah pergi nombor 5 dia akan bagi nombor baru dan nombor bilk doctor.

Nak pergi ke bilik doktor kena turun lif ke tingkat G pastu rupanya kena belok kiri. Ni pun hampir nak sesat sebab crowded sangat tempat amik ubat. Even secret recepi pun dah takdak huu. Baru je ingat nak beli kek ke, lasagna ke.

nasib baik dekat sini tak crowded sangat.

And then kenalah tunggu lagi. Nombornye taksilap 2079 bilik 9 tapi sekarang nombor 2068, tapi nenek bertuah sebab tak sampai satu jam nombornye dab dipanggil. pastu lepas dah jumpa doc amik ubat. ni yang lama sebab ramai org hahhaha.

mak ai 3 jam?? hahaha

Selesai semuanye kiteorg pun balik rumah. Next appointment May 2020! gerenti sis lupa nak pergi mana sebab probably renovation dah siap masa tu 😂 well, memang tiap kali pergi tiap kali tu lah sis lupa pon.

Maaf lah kalau bahasa pasar, sebab blogkan huhu.

Friday 18 October 2019

Food Panda dengan Shopback 2019

Friday, October 18, 2019 4 Comments

Sis teringin nak makan kepci tapi malas nak keluar rumah,
maklumlah hari minggu so sis nak rehat je. pastu tiba-tiba
ada dapat email dari foodpanda, boleh order apa-apa
dari kfc dengan potongan discount RM5. So sis pun apa
lagi, order je lah!

Baru first time try order foodpanda dengan shopback, nak
tau berapa cashback yang sis dapat.

Kalau tak ada akaun food panda kena buat dulu ye, pastu
login. dekat pc tau bukan dekat phone.

Tapi kena baca jugak rules food panda. 

Starting from 1 Sep 2019, Cashback for Foodpanda will be
revised to: New Customer: 2% | Existing Customer: 0.4%

- Complete your purchase within the same window to
qualify for cashback. Initial cashback will be tracked before
voucher is used. Cashback will be re-calculated after any
voucher discounts before turning redeemable.

Cashback not applicable to:
-Corporate orders
-Taxes and delivery charges
-Purchases of gift cards
-Purchases made via foodpanda mobile app
-Returns and cancellations of orders.

kalau tak tau shopback ni apa ke boleh baca kat sini. | Read what is shopback?

Kalau guna voucher code pun boleh. 


i. tulis address pastu klik delivery.

ii. sebab sis nak makan kepci so sis klik kfc

iii. add to cart apa yang korang nak makan

Yang ni takde gambar. Korang kena isi sebab rider nak hantar makanan kat korang kan.

1. delivery details: delivery time, address.

2. Personal details

3. payment ada 3. 

cash on delivery, credit/debit card atau online banking.

sis pilih cash on delivery je. sebab duit ada kat tangan.
bagi kena cukup-cukup ye! pastu place order.

ni order details. sis biar je window ni sampai sis dapat makanannye.

esoknye sis dapat email dari shopback. banyak jugak rm 1, maybe sebab sis first time user. huhu. anyway! bolehlah order food panda dari shopback lepas ni, cukup rm 10 boleh tebus!

Korang jugak boleh dapat bonus RM5 kalau korang sign up shopback dari sis! cuma klik link ni | sign up kalau nak bagi sis email korang pun boleh. just komen email korang kat bawah. 

Pastu buat pembelian dalam rm 25. Kalau nak tebus duit, korang kena kumpul Available balance tu sampai Rm 10 tau dan duit tu kena jadi comfirmed. So ni macam korang shopping still boleh dapat duit sikit-sikit. takde lah shopping tapi tak dapat pape. okay tu je kot. thanks for reading! sign up lah dari sis, nanti kita boleh dapat rm 5 sama sama. ececeh.

Read | Review on oxy 5 20g.

Macam mana nak "withdraw" duit ke Bank | Shopback 2019

Friday, October 18, 2019 1 Comments

Hai semua! Baru-baru ni sis baru je tebus duit dari Shopback. Nak tau jugak legit ke Shopback ni kan atau pun kelentong je. 

Tapi memang betul guys! sis dah dapat duit yang nak ditebus, shopback dah transfer dalam bank sis. 

Sis tak selalu shopping online so takat rm 50 lebih tu ada lah dalam akaun shopback sis.
Kalau korang pergi melancong pun boleh dapat shopback tau!

kalau tak tau shopback ni apa ke boleh baca kat sini. | Read what is shopback?

So topik harini sis akan share macam mana nak withdraw duit tu dekat bank.

i. senang je, mula-mula tekan bank yang korang sudah save. sis tebus dari pc.

ii. tulis amaun yang nak ditebus. cth: Rm 50.
iii. klik withdraw. rasa mcm ada typo haha

iv. nanti shopback akan hantar otp kat phone.

yay your money is on its way to you!

Ini bukti yang shopback dah masukkan duit dalam akaun sis. Ambil masa dalam 3 hari je. 

So memang legit lah shopback ni! tak tipu!

Korang jugak boleh dapat bonus RM5 kalau korang sign up shopback dari sis! cuma klik link ni | sign up

Pastu buat pembelian dalam rm 25. Kalau nak tebus duit, korang kena kumpul Available balance tu sampai Rm 10 tau dan duit tu kena jadi comfirmed. So ni macam korang shopping still boleh dapat duit sikit-sikit. takde lah shopping tapi tak dapat pape. okay tu je kot. thanks for reading! sign up lah dari sis, nanti kita boleh dapat rm 5 sama sama. ececeh.

Read | Top 5 useful softwares for students

Sunday 13 October 2019

Why blogging is important?

Sunday, October 13, 2019 0 Comments

Blogging? Why is blogging so important to most of the people?
Blogging is important for most of the people, whether for business or personal. It’s not that hard to start a blog, but it’s hard to think of the post that you should write. You can create your blog for free on or WordPress. The difference is you have to buy a domain and hosting for WordPress meanwhile for blogger website you only have to use your Gmail Account.

You can make money by blogging

Nowadays, people who started a blog for self-interest are making handsome income out of it. It’s real, you can get money by blogging. If your site has a lot of views you’re lucky enough to get money. But the question is how? you can make money with ads on the website. Popular Ads for a blog is Adsense, Infolinks,, and lots more. But for me, it’s not like that, I’ve started a blog because I have a lot of stories to share with people and second it’s for fun. Making money is the last one. If I’m lucky enough.
The reason I created this blog is that I really want a special website for myself. There are a lot of cheap domain and hosting plan if you guys want to start building a website such as Godaddy, Bluehost, Exabytes, and many more.

Blogging can give introvert like me a voice.

As introverts, we don’t usually like being the centre of attention, especially with people we don’t really know very well. All sorts of social situations can make introverts feeling awkward and nervous, just like me. I’ve come to realize that I’m an introvert when watching Blimey Cow’s video on Youtube. 
I have a lot of things to say, but I just keep it in my head. A long time ago someone said to me that I don’t know how to express myself more, well maybe it’s because I don’t really know what to say, but now I’m learning more about how I can express myself more and share it with you guys.

Blogging can make you learn new thing

Everyone is unique and so am I. I want to learn new things, I don’t even know what is SEO, hosting and even a domain. After weeks of researching, now I know what they mean. I did have a Tumblr account back then, things like theme, plugins, HTML and widget are familiar to me. I just love learning new things.

Refine your thought

A blog can refine your thought. I love to write, though, I’m not a native speaker. English is my second language and I hope that you guys can tell me if my grammar is wrong here. Writing is fun and I love reading a novel, I love watching Korean drama, listening to music, baking and lots of stuff.

Inspiration from Popular Blogger

I don’t know if you guys have ever heard of Vivy Yusof or not but she is my inspiration for starting a blog. Her passion for writing has kept her going, and her blog entails everything from parenting to food. She is the founder of Fashionvallet and Duck Scarves. I’m a fan of Vivy Yusof and her blog inspired me to blog. She is successful, has a great family, pretty and I just, I love her so much!! Her stories are fantastic, how she becomes successful, I hope someday I can be successful like her.
So, are you a blogger? Let me know why did you start blogging because I love reading!

10.10 Shopee Haul. - Baking Utensils

Sunday, October 13, 2019 0 Comments

Hi guys!

Last time was a 10.10 big sale on shopee and lazada. But I only ordered from shopee. So I took the opportunity to buy some cheap and affordable kitchen utensils, mainly to make cake. I don't know why I love making a cake now, so I need some equipment like a piping bag and nozzles. 

The shipping was free of course, one favourite thing that I love shopping on Shopee. Since it's still on the way here, I'll show you the things that I ordered.

I wanna make my own pasta so I really need this baking mat. So yeah, mostly about baking utensils. I'll show you the goods once I received it. It's from oversea so it takes a really long time. Almost over 2 weeks now. I hope my springform pan is not dented hah. Gonna do a review soon too.

I also will do a review on my waffle pan in the near future so stay tuned! I also probably gonna make a video on how to use it, on the stovetop.