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Saturday 9 March 2019

Review on oxy 5 20g

Hello everyone, how's your march going? good? for me it's so-so. been busy with life and all.

Lately, I'm in the mood for writing and I want to do a review on oxy5 acne pimple medication. 

oxy 5. The cream is white.

what is oxy 5?

Oxy 5 is an acne pimple medication. it helps kill acne bacteria and dry excessive oil and unclog pores.

- For mild pimple

- Oxy 5 acne medication contains 5% Benzoyl Peroxide to treat the mild to moderate pimples

The ingredient

Active ingredients - Benzoyl peroxide 5%
Preservatives - Methylparaben 0.15%
                       - Propylparaben 0.05%

I did read a review from another blogger about this cream and one of them,(their review) scares me because she (the blogger) use it a lot around 4 times a day and it burnt her skin. People said that if you use it a lot you kinda overdose. But I really want to try it because my pimple got worse after the dengue fever and god, it sucked. 

The review

I tried it on my chin. you can see in the picture. It left pimple scars. I really hope it will go soon. it took a week for the pimple to disappear. I use it once a day. since I work in the morning, so I applied on the pimple before sleeping. 

I also tried it on my cheek and it kinda dried my face since my face type is dry. Just apply moisturizer after that. But it didn't dry on my chin so I guess it's a good thing.

The price

I bought this cream at Aeon big and duh I really thought it's Rm 15 ( on the display it wrote rm 15 there ) but in the receipt, it was Rm 18. Should've scanned it before buying. 


For me, oxy 5% is a good pimple cream. It killed the pimple but my pimple keeps on coming back. sad. It has a big tube so I can use it for a long time. The price is a bit expensive, you can buy 10g for RM10. Click here. But if you buy it at a drugstore you can get it at a cheap price.

Honestly, if you read my review about nuteen pimple cream, I use that too (on the morning because it's transparent) and I can say that the cream tak habis-habis until now. duh i don't know how to say that in english. 

You can get it around RM17.55 on Guardian and Watsons. 

Does it really work well for you guys? 

Stay tuned for my review on Kayman's coal face soap. I really want to try it for a long time to be honest. I bought the soap already and I hope my skin becomes a little bit better with it.

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